XmarteK academy helps you access our online training , get certified and answer frequently asked questions. We are partnering with providers such as
3CX /SIP Caller/ Dinside CEM/ Patton /Boom
among others, to bring you a vibrant experience in collaboration tools and enterprise communication solutions.
Welcome to Xmartek Academy
This is a training website with information taken directly from the training material of the providers that are part of our solutions included but not limited to 3CX, Patton Electronics, Veeting, Fanvil , XmarteK LLC and material developed by our instructors. The configurations and examples presented serve this purpose. We are not responsible for installations based on these tutorial courses. We do not have the right to give authorization of any kind for reproduction or utilization of this material for any purpose beside training of the personnel of the resellers that have received permission to access this site.
Join Xmartek and help us build a learning community.
Xmartek Academy wishes to help you enhance your skills and knowledge. With our courses we hope to provide support and resources that help your growth. Xmartek Academy has audiovisual based courses, webinars, coaching sessions, quizzes, blogs and a calendar of events where you can actively engage with the Xmartek community.
We are growing our platform and expanding our FAQ and comment section (where our technical and commercial specialists will answer your inquiries, and which will then be consigned to our knowledge base to be reviewed and discussed). We are also growing our case studies, quizzes, specific regional vertical market webinars, including best practice cases and interesting publications and articles in a supportive flexible schedule especially adaptable to your busy day.
Say “yes” to flexibility!
We hope to introduce our users to innovations, changes and upgrades in the world of collaboration tools and enterprise communications so that you are ready for the ever-changing challenges you face daily.
We appreciate your feedback. Ask our coaches questions, ask for specific coaching and webinars you wish to see on Xmartek Academy.
Help us build our Knowledge base with your expertise!